DPR & PMC Services
KDS Group DPR & PMC Services
Project Management Consultant
Micro Planning Tool
A DPR is a micro planning tool that typically provides the project rational, summary, user specifications, engineering designs of main and support infrastructure, as well as technical and financial aspects including financial sustainability. DPRs need to be developed for every project site. PMC stands for Project Management Consultant or Project Management Contract. Under a project management contract an engineering contractor will overlook the EPC Contractors work to ensure compliance with client scope of works. Project Management Consultants manage the project by application of their Knowledge, Skills, and Experience at various stages. However PMC has to face various challenges like Design Issues, Constructability Issues, Long lead material Issues, Inter Contractor Coordination Issues, Engineering Issues, Safety Issues, etc These issues could be tackled by a well organised approach of the PMC. This also includes adopting the various types of tools of higher management like Reporting dashboard, Round table progress Review and conduction of brainstorming sessions, training on various field, design – construction interface, Daily quality audits, quality diligence & delivery sessions in team.

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